Parent teacher association

November 2nd 2017

Hello British Academy parents,

It seems as though the new academic year has just started, yet we are already half way through our first term, which to me, has already began with great excitement!

Our Annual General meeting, which was held on 27th September in the school’s compound, provided members with The Board of Directors Report, presented by then Chairman, Mrs. Ann Marie Carew. I encourage you to please take a few moments to read it, as it will help you to appreciate the value of and progress made by your PTA over the last academic year. (link to report).  We wish to thank Ann Marie for her continued efforts and commitment to our school and consider ourselves fortunate that she continues to serve in the capacity of Vice Chairman on our current PTA board.

As the newly appointed Chairman, with an Executive Committee of both new and familiar faces, I am pleased to present the members of the 2017/2018 board to you, see picture below.

We wish to thank you for your display of support and confidence by appointing us to represent you.  In the short time I have been with the school, I have always felt that warm family feel from both parents and faculty and I look forward to getting to know each of you better as together we continue forge even stronger bonds as parents, teachers, staff and our most important members, our children.

Since our installation, it was agreed at our first Executive Committee monthly meeting that we would encourage meetings which allow non-executive parent members to participate in the brainstorming of ideas and implementation, even if unable to commit to a monthly PTA Committee meeting. The first Fundraising-brainstorming session was held on 25th October where you were invited to attend and participate by submitting your ideas on the possible events you would be interested in having in support of our school. The response was awesome as you shared many wonderful ideas at the meeting, through your Class Representatives and via other messages, which I personally viewed and took under consideration.  As a result, we have created and attached a survey link for you to take all these ideas into consideration and vote for your favourites.  The more of you who participate, the more accurate the results would be as a reflection of the parent body.   We therefore encourage you to do so as we are excited to see your picks!

You may be wondering what the fundraising goals of the PTA are. Please know that the school is in the process of preparing a “wish list” of possible items that our support could assist our kids in to having a richer learning and growing adventure with our British Academy.  This information would be shared with you in due course when you will be given the opportunity to assist in the decision making process as to what areas we would fund at the end of the academic year.

You would agree that our first term is quickly coming to an end and we thought we would advise you on a few upcoming projects you can look forward to.  Further details will be given over the next few weeks via our newsletter, e-mails and parent groups administered by your class reps. so we invite you to stay tuned.  We thank you in advance for your support in making these a resounding success.


A day set aside to promote international togetherness and awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare.  I know we normally like to do a minor fund raising event where the proceeds are donated to an NGO, we thought this year we would just do something fun with the kids.  We will keep you informed as the ideas for this event are finalised.

Thank you again for your support, assistance and contributions to our PTA initiatives. Best wishes and God’s blessings to all.

Kamella Buxo


The British Academy Parent Teacher Association

8th January 2016


Dear British Academy Parents

On behalf of The British Academy Parent Teachers Association (PTA) we wish you and your family a “Happy New Year!”  A special welcome is extended to all the new parents and students of our school in both the Primary and Secondary levels. We hope that in just the completion of your child’s first week of school that you are feeling more “at home” and there is a warm feeling inside confirming that in choosing our school, you have made the right decision!  We also wish to extend ourselves to offer our support in any way you feel our board may be able to assist in helping you feel more comfortable.

Our Parent Teachers Association is a small, dedicated, voluntary group of people who serve in the dual function of fostering closer ties between the parents and the school body as well as raising funds for a number of projects for the benefit of The British Academy.  In the past, we have assisted in acquiring computer and science lab equipment, upgrading school facilities, assisting with graduation ceremonies and several other projects have been made possible through the fund raising efforts of our PTA. You would agree that these activities ultimately redound to the benefit of our children.

As part of our efforts to foster better communication among our parents and the PTA we have introduced Whatsapp groups administered by your assigned Class Representatives.  With your permission, all new parents that use Whatsapp will be added to your relevant class groups during the course of this week for an instant communication network.  Your “Class Representative” is a member of the PTA Board, usually also the parent of a child in your child’s class who liaises with the parents of the class from time to time with respect to any matters which need to be brought to the attention of the PTA board as well as the coordination of any projects being spearheaded by the PTA.

We wish to give a heartfelt  “THANK YOU” to all the parents, students and staff who have extended themselves and assisted the PTA in our projects last term in one way or the other. Last term, through your efforts, we were able to assist in the recognition of the Universal Children’s day, provide the drink and refreshments at the school’s Christmas Pageant and for the first time in our school, we were able to give all 38 members of the British Academy Staff an “end of year token” in the form of Massy vouchers presented in personalised cards and envelopes signed on behalf of the Parents and Students of the British Academy. In place of vouchers, Mrs. Mowser and Mrs. Perriera were each given a small gift and a Poinsettia plant as a token of our appreciation.

This term, your PTA has a number of activities and projects we would like to pursue – the proceeds of which are to assist in the deference of graduation ceremony costs, expansion of our Primary school facilities and the school library. For ease of administration, we no longer collect PTA fees of $100 each term and have decided to make it an annual contribution of $300.  Therefore, please be reminded that your Annual PTA dues of $300 per year, per family is now due. We wish to have this collected during the week of January 11th. Payments can be made by placing your $300 contribution in an envelope labelled “PTA dues” and be sure to include your name, your child’s name and class on the envelope. These can be placed in the red box marked PTA CONTRIBUTIONS located in the front of the school’s administration office or with the security officer. 

Thank you once again for your kind assistance in our efforts. With your continued support, we look forward to another successful year ahead!


The British Academy PTA Board

PTA Constitution





  1. NAME

The name of the Association is “The British Academy Parent Teacher Association” (“the Association”).


The Association shall contribute to the development and improvement of all aspects of school life by:

  1. a) Enabling good communication between students, parents, teachers, the headmaster/headmistress, administration and the Board of Directors of the School (“the Board of Directors”);
  2. b) Helping to strengthen the relationship between the home and the School;
  3. c) Raising funds to enhance the School; and,
  4. d) Communicating a positive image of the School to the wider community.

3.1 Eligibility

All parents/legal guardians of students enrolled at the School are automatically members of the Association.  The Association shall have two classes of membership, as follows:

 Ordinary, comprising parents/legal guardians; and,

 Ex Officio, comprising the Headmaster/ Headmistress of the School and two teachers to be nominated by the Headmaster/Headmistress from time to time to serve on an annual basis.

3.2 Membership List

The Secretary of the Executive Committee of the Association will maintain a Membership List, which shall include all members’ names, addresses, telephone contact details and email addresses. Every member of the Association will communicate in writing to the Secretary any change in this information for the purpose of updating the list.  Each financial member (as defined below) shall be entitled to receive a copy of the Membership List upon request to the Secretary.


An annual subscription is payable by parents/legal guardians for ordinary membership of the Association.  The subscription will be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall be as prescribed in the bye-laws. Where there are members who are parents or legal guardians of more than one enrolled student, then only one subscription is payable per family. 

The annual subscription is payable in one full payment at the same time as the First Termly School Fees become due. Subscriptions are payable to “The British Academy Parent Teacher Association” Subscriptions are non-refundable and shall not be apportioned in the event that a student’s enrolment ceases prior to the close of the academic year.

Only (a) ex-officio members; and (b) ordinary members who have paid their subscription up to date (“financial ordinary members”) are entitled to hold office on the PTA Executive Committee. Only financial ordinary members are entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Association.  


There will be a Committee of Management (“the Executive Committee”) elected in accordance with the by-laws and comprising the following officers. The Executive Committee are responsible for the management and strategic direction of the Association. It shall have the power at any time and from time to time to fill any casual vacancies among its officers as reasonably required.

Officers of the Executive Committee:

  • The Chairman
  • The Vice Chairman;
  • The Secretary;
  • The Assistant Secretary;
  • The Treasurer;
  • The Headmaster/ Headmistress – ex officio
  • Two teachers from the School – ex officio ( “the Teacher Representatives”); and,
  • One parent from each class (such parents having a child in the class they represent, however, if at any time no class parent is available, any other parent may be elected to represent that class)(“the Parent Class Representatives”).


  1. a) The Chairman exercises general administrative responsibility and control over the activities of the Association, she/he presides at all meetings of the Association and performs other duties as reasonably required to the office of the Chairman.
  2. b) The Vice-Chairman assists the Chairman in the performance of her/his duties and in his/her absence or incapacity performs the duties of the Chairman.
  3. c) The Secretary is responsible for all the administrative correspondence of the Executive Committee and maintains the Membership List.
  4. d) The Assistant Secretary assists the Secretary in the performance of her/his duty and acts for her/him in her/his absence.
  5. e) Subject to the provisions herein, the Treasurer is responsible for management of the Funds of the Association.
  6. f) The Parent Class Representativesact as liaison between the Executive Committee and the classes they represent.

The Executive Committee may, from time to time, appoint subcommittees from members of the Association for special purposes, and may delegate to them any of the powers of the Executive Committee except those of making, altering and revoking by-laws.


The Financial Year of the Association shall end on the 30th June of each year, to which day the accounts of the Association shall be balanced. The accounts will be presented to the Executive Committee no later than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


All the Funds of the Association will be deposited in an account with a bank or bankers to be selected by the Executive Committee in the name of the Association. The signatories to the Association’s account shall be any two of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


The Constitution shall not be altered or amended in any way save by a two thirds majority of the PTA membership present at the AGM meeting or any other such meeting that may be held from time to time by the Association, that voting is deemed to be required and at least 30 days notice of the intention to propose any amendment or alteration shall be given to the Secretary who will send notice of the same to every member at least 14 days before the General Meeting


The Executive Committee may, from time to time, make, repeal, and amend any by-laws and regulations for the internal management and well being of the Association. All by-laws and regulations must be consistent with this Constitution. The Executive Committee will ensure that any changes to the existing by-laws and regulations be communicated to each member of the Association within 30 days of any change.

In the event that urgent decisions are required in the best interests of the Association and such decisions are required to be made immediately, in order to obtain the requisite benefit for the Association and it is deemed that by waiting for either the usual monthly PTA meetings or any other Association meeting to put to the vote of the convening Executive Committee would prejudice the Association; it is hereby agreed that in such circumstances the Executive Committee are permitted to make an emergency fast track decision provided they conduct the following process:

 The proposal must be communicated to the rest of the Executive Committee by either phone or email, in the event that it is by phone such agreement must be confirmed via email communication within 24hours of such phone call

 The committee must communicate their vote within a reasonable period of time but no longer than 24 hours. Any failure to communicate a vote either way, it will be deemed to be a vote in favour of the proposed action.

All decisions and actions made and implemented under this provision must be consistent with this Constitution. The Executive Committee will ensure that any actions that create changes to the existing by-laws and regulations will be communicated to each member of the Association within 30 days of any change.


The Executive Committee are the sole authority for the interpretation of these Articles, the by-laws and regulations.



Executive Committee Meetings

The Officers will meet once a month except during the months of July and August. No meeting of the Executive Committee shall be validly constituted unless a quorum of four members are present.

The Executive Committee has the power at any time and from time to time to fill any casual vacancy occurring among the officers of the Executive Committee. Any Officer so appointed will hold office until the next June General Meeting of the Association but will be eligible for re-election at such meeting.

General Meetings

  1. Annual General Meeting

Members will receive at least seven days’ notice of the calling of an Annual General Meeting, such notice being accompanied by a copy of the Agenda for that meeting. Any general meeting of the members shall be validly constituted if a quorum of one quarter of the financial ordinary members are present.

The Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on a day, time and place to be fixed by the Executive Committee in the month of September each year for the following purposes:

  1. To receive from the Executive Committee a report for the preceding year.
  2. To receive the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the preceding financial year.
  3. Any other business at the discretion of the Chairman.

Each financial ordinary member who is present is entitled to one vote on any resolution put forward at the Annual General Meeting.

  1. June General Meeting

      A general Meeting shall be held in June of each year to elect the Executive Committee for the approaching school year.

  1. Extraordinary General Meeting

The Executive Committee may at any time for any special purpose call an Extraordinary General Meeting, and shall do so promptly upon the requisition, in writing, of any twenty members of the Association (at least two thirds of whom shall be financial ordinary members) stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Seven days at least before any Extraordinary General Meeting a notice of such meeting and of the business to be transacted shall be sent to every member.

The Chairman’s decision as to the result of the voting on any question is final.


  1. a) Elections are to be held at the June General Meeting.
  2. b) Each year elections shall be held to determine members of the Executive Committee. Members elected will hold office on the Executive Committee for one year provided however that no member will hold the same office for more than two consecutive years unless there is no alternative nomination for the position.
  3. c) Any member elected to fill a casual vacancy will hold that office until the next June General Meeting but be eligible for re-election.


The annual subscription is $300.

Originally Adopted 13th December 2007

Current version approved 17th February 2014

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